Four benefits that flexible working will have on federal gov (0)

Four benefits flexible working will have on Fed Services ContactEngine Blog BL107

Four benefits that flexible working will have on federal government services


Federal contact center workers have been working from home for months now – but what started as a necessary reaction to a crisis may prove to be the salvation of customer experience in these agencies.

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Why call centres must go free range ContactEngine blog BL104

Don't be chicken. Why call centers must go free range


Let our call center heroes take flight: free agents of time constraints to better help customers and allow them to work from the comfort of their own homes  - a win-win for CX and EX!

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Michael Beckley And Tarita Miller 1440X864

Michael Beckley and Tarita Miller join ContactEngine Inc. board


ContactEngine Inc. welcomes Michael Beckley and Tarita Miller to the board

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Gone carbon neutral ContactEngine blog BL0100

Gone carbon negative already? We have, please hurry up


With millions of unnecessary truck rolls saved and transitioning from in-person appointments to video calls for our clients, ContactEngine has gone carbon negative. Won't you join us?

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Proactive Communication ContactEngine Blog BL102

Proactive communication and why it’s the next wave of customer engagement


Proactive communication is the difference between good service and poor service, and between frictionless and friction inducing engagements.

READ 4 min
Covid 19 Customer Service Digital Transformation Whitepaper

Covid-19: Accelerating the future of customer service


This whitepaper examines the interplay between 4 key Covid-19 call center metrics. Measure them now, and learn how ready you are for increasing your levels of customer self-service.

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