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Why wearable tech is not the only answer to patient non-compliance

Chronic condition patients make up 5% of all patients, but they cost close to 90% of the country’s healthcare budget. Furthermore, patients that have conditions caused by lifestyle, such as diabetes for example, are more likely to forget to take their medicine or show up to appointments.

These patients can often struggle with maintaining consistent medication routines and these lapses can lead to waning health and increased hospital visits, putting additional strain on resources. This is why traditional reminder methods have limited success, and there is a pressing need for more dynamic solutions.

The rise of wearables

 This is why wearable technology has become a valuable tool for managing patient conditions and gathering real-time data. As well as offering a convenient and insightful method of interacting with patients, it also offers a personalised approach that older tactics were unable to employ.

Wearables tech devices have even received recognition from health systems around the world, including a place in the strategic Long Term Plan shared by the National Health Service in England.

 Shortcomings of the tech

However, wearables have several weaknesses that hugely effect their effectiveness, making patient adherence equally as important for a successful system. For example, the complexity of some wearables can be a barricade to some patients, especially those are inexperienced not comfortable and with technology. They may find it overwhelming which will then deter them from effectively using their wearable.

A patient's lifestyle also plays a role in maintaining the correct approach to wearables. For instance, if a device is large and must be removed before activities like bathing, patients may find it bothersome and opt to skip wearing it during such events.

Physical limitations, as well as factors such as forgetfulness and lack of motivation also play a small role. This is because patients, no matter how well-meaning, can forget to wear their devices for a variety of reasons. Furthermore, if there aren’t instantaneous benefits, certain patients may choose to stop wearing their device.

Nudging is the solution

This is where ContactEngine's proactive conversational AI comes into play, with its nudging solution available through the patients preferred communications channel.

Our technology utilises AI to deliver tailored communications that are timely and relevant. The framework can not only analyse patient data to understand individual habits and preferences, but it ensures messages are sent at ideal times. For instance, a diabetic patient might receive a reminder to take their medication in the morning when they are most likely to be at home, or a nudge to schedule their next appointment as the date approaches.

ContactEngine's proactive conversational AI can also seamlessly integrate with healthcare providers' systems, allowing for real-time updates and coordinated care. This integration guarantees that providers are aware of any issues in a patient’s compliance and can intervene rapidly if necessary.

So, while wearable technology is convenient, insightful and offers valuable insights around monitoring capabilities and personalisation, it has several deficiencies relating to the user’s personal habits and choices.

This is why ContactEngine's proactive conversational AI provides an essential complement through reminding, educating, and engaging patients in the form of nudging. Our tech helps to ensure that those with chronic conditions stay on their prescribed treatment plans, leading to better health results and a more sustainable healthcare system.



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