How AI is supporting 5G broadband in Australia | More (0)

Screenshot 2024 11 07 At 11.27.46

How AI is supporting 5G broadband in Australia


While the advent of 5G and its speeds of up to 20Gbps have enabled telecommunication firms to introduce rapid downloads, smooth streaming, and the ability to handle data-intensive applications, it has brought new challenges to the industry. But how is AI helping firms to seize all the opportunities available? 

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WP Canyouspot Insights 1440X864 (1)

Fundamentals of AI: GenAI and Vulnerability


How useful is GenAI in the identification of potential vulnerability in consumers?

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WP Tradeoff Insights 1440X864 (2)

Fundamentals of AI: Models, Metrics and Trade-offs: AI and GenAi Demystified


Written specifically to support Board members and other leaders, this series of papers examines 7 key questions to ask of any AI solution that your organisation is considering procuring.

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WP Forewarned Insights 1440X864 (1)

Fundamentals of AI: Getting the best from Generative AI


Learn about testing a GenAI model and what to look out for in the results of the tests. What is a ‘good performance’? And why humans still need to be involved throughout the process to guide and guard outputs.

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Screenshot 2024 09 23 At 15.52.37

How AI can help recruit non-traditional students


US higher education institutions have experienced growing difficulties in their recruitment of students in recent years. Alongside a population drop in the number of US citizens coming of age in 2025, institutions also face the issue of fewer traditional students enrolling.

However, there is a huge potential in recruiting non-traditional students. In this article we explore how institutions can communicate with them to drive enrolment. 

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How proactive communications with chronic health patients saves lives


Chronic health patients cost around 90% of the US healthcare budget despite making up just 5% of all patients. People with these conditions caused by lifestyle, such as diabetes, are also far more likely to forget to take their medicine or show up to their appointments.

In this article we explore how AI communications can cut costs and lead to better patient outcomes.

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