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Frontier Communications

  Telecommunications in the US

Frontier Communications overall Effort Score: 48 Frontier Communications vs 49 Frontier Communications last quarter
Sector Effort Score benchmark: 51 Frontier Communications vs 51 Frontier Communications last quarter

Frontier Communications’ Knowledge and Expertise -5 point drop to 47 is the core reason behind its -1 point decline in its Overall Customer Effort Score to 48. The company now sits in 9th position in the US Telecommunications rankings.

The -5 point Knowledge and Expertise drop is likely due to customers marking them down for how well its customer service agents understand their particular problem or questions, with just 39% ranking them as ‘good’ - a 6% decline.

It did improve in one area within this pillar, however. Forty-two per cent rated the expertise of its customer service agents as ‘excellent’, a 1% increase.

Frontier did see a +1 point increase in its Style of Communication pillar score to 57. This is due to a large pool of customers rating the politeness of the company’s customer service agents’ politeness, with 44% ranking them as ‘good’.

This score could drop further next quarter after it announced more than 750,000 people were affected in a data breach. It is currently facing a class action lawsuit, as a result.

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Customer Effort in detail

Style of Communication 57 vs 56 last quarter

44% say the politeness of their customer service agents is 'excellent'

40% rate the ability to communicate with them in their chosen language (other than English) as 'excellent'

Knowledge and Expertise 47 vs 52 last quarter

42% rate the expertise of the customer service agent as 'excellent'

40% say the way details were clearly explained to them was 'good'

39% rate how well the customer service agent understood their particular problem or question as 'good'

Understanding & Valuing the Customer 46 vs 47 last quarter

40% rate how they were able to speak to a customer service agent that can help them with their query as 'good'

42% rate how they were able to speak to a customer service agent that can help them with their query as 'good'

40% rate how they were able to speak to a customer service agent that can help them with their query as 'good'

Speed Solving the Problem 41 vs 42 last quarter

39% rate how they were not left on-hold or in a call queuing system for a long time as 'excellent'

41% rate how they were able to speak to a customer service agent that can help them with their query as 'excellent'

39% rate how they were able to speak to a customer service agent that can help them with their query as 'excellent'

ContactEngine sponsors the Customer Effort Index

ContactEngine believes that a great customer experience is an effortless one, where life is made as easy as possible for the customer. ContactEngine commissioned the Customer Effort Index to measure how real people perceive the effort it takes to be a customer of some of the leading brands in the world. By enabling a comparison of effort not only within an industry, but across industries, we can identify and learn from the brands who lead on making it easy for their customers to do business with them.