The Good Guys has once again moved positions, now in 3rd, in the Australian Technology Retail rankings, even though its Overall Effort Score has stayed the same at 59.
While its Knowledge & Expertise and Valuing the Customer pillar scores have stayed the same at 57 and 61 respectively, Style of Communication pillars reduced -1 point
In Style of Communication – now with a score of 63 – 48% rated The Good Guys ‘excellent’ for their customer service team’s politeness (was 49% last wave), and 47% highly commended the company for being able to communicate with them in their chosen language, besides English (was 48% last quarter).
But there is good news for the company. Its Speed of of Resolving Problems score increased +1 point to 59. 42% of its customers ranked them higher for achieving what they set out to do, including resolving their issue with the first person they spoke to.